Iyana's Blog
Iyana Davis
Prof. Ventura
Intro to Critical Studies in English
Final Essay:
Iyana Davis
Prof. Ventura
Intro to Critical Studies in English
Final Essay:
Guess Who is Not Coming to Dinner?
Guess who is not coming to dinner? The black man! Educated black women are left to look for companionship outside of the race. Inter-racial dating has become a topic of much discussion in recent months here in the Atlanta University Center. With thousands of black women in the AUC striving to get an education where will they be able to find dates and/or husbands? They may be left to look outside of the race to date, select mates and ultimately find husbands.
Black women who possess degrees are less likely to marry a black man that is less educated. Amongst the people graduating from college, black men make up the smallest percentage. Black women are unable to find educated black mates after completion of college and masters programs. As found in the U.S. News and World Report from 2006, the percentage of females graduating from Clark Atlanta University is 72% as compared to the 28% of males. In the same study it was found that at Spelman College the graduation rate is 72% as compared to the 58% at Morehouse College.
Young un-married black women in college do better in Historically Black College environments according to Differences in Graduation Rates between Black and White College Students: Effects of Entry into Parent Hood and Historically Black Colleges, a journal entry about the progress of blacks and whites both male and female. The independent effect of attending a historically Black college was significantly positive for Black women but not statistically significant for Black men (Sublikin). Attending a HBCU gives an added level of support to motivated black women, while the lack of motivation found in Black men leads to the high drop-out rate and low graduation rate of black males. As a result black women are not dating black men while in college and are looking outside of the race.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there are 56,831 African American students and 154,924 white students in the state of Georgia in 2005. With more than twice the number of white students than black students, inter-racial dating no longer seems like a bad idea. Black women are challenging traditional taboos against interracial dating and stepping outside of the norm.
Several factors contribute to black women dating men of different racial/ethnic groups. Due to the high incarceration rate of black males in the U.S., black men are seldom educated, if not in prison. U.S. Department of Justice statistics from 2001 indicate that 179,500 black men ages 18-24 are in prison and jail. Therefore, in the 18-24 age group, the college/imprisoned ratio for black males is 2.6 to one. For their white male counterparts, the ratio is 28 to one. In 2000 there were 3,522,392 white men ages 18-24 enrolled in college, which represents 32.8% of that age group, while 125,700 were in prison in 2001.
According to the National Urban League, Young Black males between the ages of 15 and 34 years are nine times more likely to be killed by firearms. Of single parent Black households in 2005, only 12 percent were led by men. A recent study outlining devastating statistics on the plight of African American men has moved the president of the Urban League to call Black male underachievement "the most serious economic and civil rights challenge we face today."
Research done by scholars at Howard University just a few years ago, shows that Black woomen want “nothing less than a mate of similar educational level” (Porter 163). Black women not only want a man with integrity that is willing to commit to a long term relationship, they also want a man that is educated. This allows for a better job and more money coming into the household. Availability is not the only issue for black women when finding black men, there are also issues of status, social acceptance, and the unspoken truth that black men are loosing educational and economic ground. Black men’s educational and economic background is not the only factor that is contributing to black women dating interracially.
Since the rise of AIDS black men and women are among the highest percentage of those affected. Black males between the ages of 15 and 34 are nearly eight times as likely to suffer from A.I.D.S. than males in other racial ethnic groups. A study of HIV diagnosis rates from 2001-2004 for gay and bisexual men found that rates were higher among black men than among white men. Black men who have sex with men were significantly less likely to be alive 3 years after AIDS diagnosis (80.6 percent) than were Hispanic (85.2 percent) or white (84.5 percent) according to Health News Today. In the article “Racial/Ethnic Disparities Persist In HIV's Impact On Homosexual Men - HIV Continues To Hit Black And Hispanic Men Harder Than Their White Counterparts,” it is stated that “the poorer outcomes for minority men might be tied to later diagnosis of lack of adequate access to treatment.”
If black men have no access to treatment, little to no education, or are incarcerated black women look outside the race to find the companionship they desire. “With so many educated Black women planning to forego marriage and others opting to marry outside their racial/ethnic group…greater emphasis should be placed on educational opportunities for Black men” (Porter 169). Incarceration may cost a state $20,000 to $30,000 per year, per inmate, but it also has a longer-term price. "By removing these young men from the society during their most productive years, you have basically crippled and stifled not only them, but also done a major disservice to black families," says Frank Matthews, publisher of Black Issues in Higher Education. The lack of educational opportunities for black men is stifling the family structure amongst blacks. There is a continuous cycle of underachieving black males and this continuing trend is getting worse as the years go on.
Most of us have seen the movies Guess Who and Something new. It appears that the dating of a black woman and white man is even gaining popularity in the entertainment world. As a reflection of what is going on in the real world, will all black women soon be dating white men? The factors that lead to interracial dating are on the rise and as a black woman when I graduate, may have to find companionship outside of the race. The black man will be found in fewer and fewer households and colleges and more and more jail cells, hospital beds and graveyards. Guess who is not coming to dinner? The Black Man!
Works Cited
Porter, Margaret. Do the Future Plans of Black Women Include Black Mates? The
Journal of Negro Education. 64.2 pp. 162-170. Spring 1995
Guess who is not coming to dinner? The black man! Educated black women are left to look for companionship outside of the race. Inter-racial dating has become a topic of much discussion in recent months here in the Atlanta University Center. With thousands of black women in the AUC striving to get an education where will they be able to find dates and/or husbands? They may be left to look outside of the race to date, select mates and ultimately find husbands.
Black women who possess degrees are less likely to marry a black man that is less educated. Amongst the people graduating from college, black men make up the smallest percentage. Black women are unable to find educated black mates after completion of college and masters programs. As found in the U.S. News and World Report from 2006, the percentage of females graduating from Clark Atlanta University is 72% as compared to the 28% of males. In the same study it was found that at Spelman College the graduation rate is 72% as compared to the 58% at Morehouse College.
Young un-married black women in college do better in Historically Black College environments according to Differences in Graduation Rates between Black and White College Students: Effects of Entry into Parent Hood and Historically Black Colleges, a journal entry about the progress of blacks and whites both male and female. The independent effect of attending a historically Black college was significantly positive for Black women but not statistically significant for Black men (Sublikin). Attending a HBCU gives an added level of support to motivated black women, while the lack of motivation found in Black men leads to the high drop-out rate and low graduation rate of black males. As a result black women are not dating black men while in college and are looking outside of the race.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there are 56,831 African American students and 154,924 white students in the state of Georgia in 2005. With more than twice the number of white students than black students, inter-racial dating no longer seems like a bad idea. Black women are challenging traditional taboos against interracial dating and stepping outside of the norm.
Several factors contribute to black women dating men of different racial/ethnic groups. Due to the high incarceration rate of black males in the U.S., black men are seldom educated, if not in prison. U.S. Department of Justice statistics from 2001 indicate that 179,500 black men ages 18-24 are in prison and jail. Therefore, in the 18-24 age group, the college/imprisoned ratio for black males is 2.6 to one. For their white male counterparts, the ratio is 28 to one. In 2000 there were 3,522,392 white men ages 18-24 enrolled in college, which represents 32.8% of that age group, while 125,700 were in prison in 2001.
According to the National Urban League, Young Black males between the ages of 15 and 34 years are nine times more likely to be killed by firearms. Of single parent Black households in 2005, only 12 percent were led by men. A recent study outlining devastating statistics on the plight of African American men has moved the president of the Urban League to call Black male underachievement "the most serious economic and civil rights challenge we face today."
Research done by scholars at Howard University just a few years ago, shows that Black woomen want “nothing less than a mate of similar educational level” (Porter 163). Black women not only want a man with integrity that is willing to commit to a long term relationship, they also want a man that is educated. This allows for a better job and more money coming into the household. Availability is not the only issue for black women when finding black men, there are also issues of status, social acceptance, and the unspoken truth that black men are loosing educational and economic ground. Black men’s educational and economic background is not the only factor that is contributing to black women dating interracially.
Since the rise of AIDS black men and women are among the highest percentage of those affected. Black males between the ages of 15 and 34 are nearly eight times as likely to suffer from A.I.D.S. than males in other racial ethnic groups. A study of HIV diagnosis rates from 2001-2004 for gay and bisexual men found that rates were higher among black men than among white men. Black men who have sex with men were significantly less likely to be alive 3 years after AIDS diagnosis (80.6 percent) than were Hispanic (85.2 percent) or white (84.5 percent) according to Health News Today. In the article “Racial/Ethnic Disparities Persist In HIV's Impact On Homosexual Men - HIV Continues To Hit Black And Hispanic Men Harder Than Their White Counterparts,” it is stated that “the poorer outcomes for minority men might be tied to later diagnosis of lack of adequate access to treatment.”
If black men have no access to treatment, little to no education, or are incarcerated black women look outside the race to find the companionship they desire. “With so many educated Black women planning to forego marriage and others opting to marry outside their racial/ethnic group…greater emphasis should be placed on educational opportunities for Black men” (Porter 169). Incarceration may cost a state $20,000 to $30,000 per year, per inmate, but it also has a longer-term price. "By removing these young men from the society during their most productive years, you have basically crippled and stifled not only them, but also done a major disservice to black families," says Frank Matthews, publisher of Black Issues in Higher Education. The lack of educational opportunities for black men is stifling the family structure amongst blacks. There is a continuous cycle of underachieving black males and this continuing trend is getting worse as the years go on.
Most of us have seen the movies Guess Who and Something new. It appears that the dating of a black woman and white man is even gaining popularity in the entertainment world. As a reflection of what is going on in the real world, will all black women soon be dating white men? The factors that lead to interracial dating are on the rise and as a black woman when I graduate, may have to find companionship outside of the race. The black man will be found in fewer and fewer households and colleges and more and more jail cells, hospital beds and graveyards. Guess who is not coming to dinner? The Black Man!
Works Cited
Porter, Margaret. Do the Future Plans of Black Women Include Black Mates? The
Journal of Negro Education. 64.2 pp. 162-170. Spring 1995
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